Codemoji is a Mozilla Foundation project ideated and developed by TODO in support of the Encrypt campaign launched in early 2016
The Codemoji project source files are openly available under Mozilla Public License v2 on GitHub
A special thanks to Twitter for their twemoji library, which provided us with the widest set of cross-platform emojis we could use in building this project
The following open-source libraries were also used in developing the website:
bowser, clipboard, cookie, esrever, fastclick, fromcodepoint, gsap, jquery, jquery.transit , lodash, nanoscroller, normalize-css, punycode, rebound-js, stateman, theater, twemoji, youarei.
Codemoji teaches you about ciphers.
Create and share messages with
your friends using fun emoji.
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Someone sent you this scrambled message: Mozilla sent you this scrambled message:
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